But we’re not good at it.
Therapy in New Mexico, Connecticut, and New York
Good Grief!
There are over 40 types of grief, and most people experience many in a lifetime.
It isn’t possible to make it to adulthood without loss.
But no one prepares us to handle it.
We know how to feel when you are expecting a baby – but not what the emotions will be when expecting a death.

*Names used above are not individual clients but are inspired by and a composite of clients.
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”
– Morrie Schwartz, Tuesdays with Morrie

Your Journey
What I have learned is that each person’s grief is unique to them. Finding your way through will be your unique journey, one I’m here to walk with you until you feel strong and steady enough to do it on your own.
I know you can because I have seen so many grievers do just that. You can and will feel alive again. We will work together to identify your specific grief challenges and devise a path through them.
Did you know it’s possible to strengthen your connection to someone after they have died?
Let’s find the right balance of moving forward while maintaining the relationship with the person you’ve lost in a way that works for you.
Navigating loss alone leads to wrong turns and dead ends – Let’s try it together.
I have seen so many people deep in a cocoon of grief find meaning, hope, and connection again.
It’s your turn.
Call or click now to schedule your free 15-minute consultation and get back on the road to your best life with this new normal.
Hi, I’m Kat
It is my mission and calling in life to normalize grief and shepherd people through it.
As a society, we are afraid to talk about death and dying because we’ve had no practice. It’s almost like we think if we talk about it, we will somehow be calling in that negative death energy – but we won’t.
Getting to know you and how your loss has affected your life is the first step on our journey together. I give you my willingness to understand your grief and whatever it brings up.
Not talking about loss won’t make your losses un-happen or take away your pain. All you are enduring now is part of the human experience.
Loss and mourning are a few experiences all humans and many animals share. (Even elephants grieve and have common grief rituals.)
How can we work through something we don’t know how to talk about? We start slowly and practice together. I am here to teach you about and guide you through your grief.
I will listen to your story, help you find the words to tell it, and work with you to find the “easter eggs” of your grief, the hidden gems of strength, wisdom, and resilience that are also a part of your experience.
We will clarify your goals and hopes around incorporating this loss into your life and craft a treasure map to get you there.
You will learn to get comfortable with some discomfort. I will teach you self-soothing techniques that you can take home and start practicing right away.

Kathleen Hurley
What I Offer
The path to healing grief can be treacherous and scary,
but it can be sacred and beautiful, too.
Let me show you how.
Call or click the button to schedule your initial consultation.